

吕丘仑,博士,特聘教授,博士生导师。2013年毕业于华中科技大学,获生物化学与分子生物学专业博士学位。博士期间,主要从事心血管疾病的遗传分析及相关功能研究。2013-2018年在美国奥克拉荷马健康研究中心及佐治亚州立大学分子医学转化中心,从事心血管疾病的发病机制研究,例如急性心肌梗死,肥厚性心肌病,糖尿病心肌病等。20191月回国,作为高层次引进人才被澳门威斯人0168聘为教授 。近年来发表SCI学术论文30余篇,收录在CirculationNature Communications等杂志,均篇影响因子为10.3。主持科研项目多项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目和江苏省自然科学基金重大项目等。E-mailQiulunlu@njmu.edu.cn







(1) L Ding, S Lu, Y Zhou, D Lyu, C Ouyang, Z Ma, Q Lu*. The 3'-untranslational region protects the heart from angiotensin II-induced cardiac dysfunction via AGGF1 expression. Molecular Therapy, 2020, Apr; 28:1119. (IF=8.402)

(2) Q Lu, Z Ma, Y Ding, T Bedarida, L Chen, Z Xie, S Ping, M Zou. Circulating miR-103a-3p contributes to angiotensin II-induced renal inflammation and fibrosis via a SNRK/NF-κB/p65 regulatory axis. Nature Communications, 2019 May; 10: 2145. (IF=11.878)

(3) Q Lu, Z Xie, C Yan, Y Ding, Z Ma, S Wu, Y Qiu, S Cossette, M Bordas, R Ramchandran, M Zou. Sucrose non-fermenting 1-related kinase promotes angiogenesis in vivo. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis Vascular Biology, 2018 Feb; 38:373. (IF=6.607)

(4) S Wu, Q Lu#, Q Wang, Y Ding, Z Ma, X Mao, K Huang, Zn Xie, M Zou. Binding of fundc1 with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes maintains mitochondrial dynamics and function in hearts in vivo. Circulation, 2017 Dec; 136(23): 2248. (IF=19.309)

(5) Y Yao, Q Lu#, Z Hu, Y Yu, Q Chen, Q Wang. A non-canonical pathway regulates ER stress signaling and blocks ER stress-induced apoptosis and heart failure. Nature Communications, 2017 Jul; 8: 133. (IF=12.353)

(6) Z Ma, L Zhu, Y Liu, Z Wang, Y Yang, L Chen, Q Lu*. Lovastatin alleviates endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in glomeruli via suppression of oxidative stress and TGF-β1 signaling. Frontier Pharmacology, 2017 Jul; 8: 473. (IF=4.400)

(7) H Xu, Z Ma, S Lu, R Li, L Lyu, L Ding, Q Lu*. Renal resistive index as a novel indicator for renal complications in high-fat diet-fed mice. Kidney Blood Pressure Research, 2017 Dec; 42: 1128. (IF=3.104)

(8) Q Lu, Y Yao, Z Hu, C Hu, Q Song, J Ye, C Xu, A-Z Wang, Q Chen, Q Wang. Angiogenic factor aggf1 activates autophagy with an essential role in therapeutic angiogenesis for heart disease. PLoS Biology, 2016 Aug; 14(8):e1002529. (IF=9.797)

(9) X Tang, L Pan, S Zhao, F Dai, M Chao, H Jiang, X Li, Z Lin, Z Huang, G Meng, C Wang, C Cehn, J Liu, X Wang, A Ferro, H Wang, H Chen, Y Gao, Q Lu, L Xie, Y Han, Y Ji. SNO-MLP facilitates myocardial hypertrophy through TLR3–mediated RIP3 and NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Circulation, 2020 Mar; 141:984. (IF=23.054)

(10) C Ouyang, J Mu, Q Lu, J Li, H Zhu, Q Wang, M Zou, Z Xie. Autophagic degradation of KAT2A/GCN5 promotes directional migration of vascular smooth muscle cells by reducing TUBA/α-tubulin acetylation. Autophagy, 2019 Dec; (IF=11.059)

(11) S Wu, Q Lu, Y Ding, Y Wu, Y Qiu, P Wang, X Mao, K Huang, Z Xie, M Zou. Hyperglycemia-driven inhibition of AMP-activated protein kinase α2 induces diabetic cardiomyopathy by promoting mitochondria-associated Endoplasmic reticulum membranes in vivo. Circulation, 2019 Jan (IF=23.054)

(12) Y Han, T Bedarida, Y Ding, B Somba, Q Lu, Q Wang, P Song, M Zou. β-Hydroxybutyrate prevents vascular senescence through hnRNP A1-mediated upregulation of Oct4. Molecular Cell, 2018 Sep; 71:1064. (IF=14.282)

(13) X Qin, S Liu, Q Lu, M Zhang, X Jiang, S Hu, J Li, C Zhang, J Gao, M Zhu, R Feil, H Li, M Chen, L-S Weinstein, Y Zhang, W Zhang. Heterotrimeric g stimulatory protein α subunit is required for intestinal smooth muscle contraction in mice. Gastroenterology, 2017 Apr; 152(5):1114. (IF=20.773)

(14) Y Ding, M Zhang, W Zhang, Q Lu, Z Cai, P Song, I Okon, L Xiao, M Zou. AMP-activated protein kinase alpha 2 deletion induces vsmc phenotypic switching and reduces features of atherosclerotic plaque stability. Circulation Research, 2016 Sep; 119(6): 718. (IF=13.965)

(15) Z Cai, Y Ding, M Zhang, Q Lu, S Wu, H Zhu, P Song, M Zou. Ablation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase α1 in vascular smooth muscle cells promotes diet-induced atherosclerotic calcification in vivo. Circulation Research, 2016 Jul; 119(3): 422. (IF=13.965)

(16) Y Wu, P Song, W Zhang, J Liu, X Dai, Z Liu, Q Lu, C Ouyang, Z Xie, Z Zhao, X Zhuo, B Viollet, M Foretz, J Wu, Z Yuan, M Zou. Activation of AMPKα2 in adipocytes is essential for nicotine-induced insulin resistance in vivo. Nature Medicine, 2015 Mar; 21: 373. (IF=32.621)

(17) X Tu, S Nie, Y Liao, H Zhang, Q Fan, C Xu, Y Bai, F Wang, X Ren, T Tang, N Xia, S Li, Y Huang, J Liu, Q Yang, Y Zhao, Q Lu, Q Li, Y Li, Y Xia, J Qian, B Li, G Wu, Y Wu, Y Yang, Q Wang, X Cheng. The IL-33-ST2L pathway is associated with coronary artery disease in a Chinese Han population. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2013 Oct; 93(4): 652. (IF=9.025)

(18) P Ye, W Chen, J Wu, X Huang, J Li, S Wang, Z Liu, G Wang, X Yang, P Zhang, Q Lu, J Xia. GM-CSF contributes to aortic aneurysms resulting from SMAD3 deficiency. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2013 May; 123(5): 2317. (IF=13.251)

(19) F Wang, C Xu, Q He, J Cai, X Li, D Wang, X Xiong, Y Liao, Q Zeng, Y Yang, X Cheng, C Li, R Yang, C Wang, G Wu, Q Lu, Y Bai, Y Huang, D Yin, Q Yang, X Wang, D Dai, R Zhang, J Wan, J Ren, S Li, Y Zhao, F Fu, Y Huang, Q Li, S Shi, N Lin, Z Pan, Y Li, B Yu, Y Wu, Y Ke, J Lei, N Wang, C Luo, L Ji, L Gao, L Li, H Liu, E Huang, J Cui, N Jia, X Ren, H Li, T Ke, X Zhang, J Liu, M Liu, H Xia, B Yang, L Shi, Y Xia, X Tu, Q Wang. Genome-wide association identifies a susceptibility locus for coronary artery disease in the Chinese Han population. Nature Genetics, 2011 Apr; 43(4): 345. (IF=27.125)
